8 BIT AlexMos 2-axis Gimbal Controller




 8 BIT AlexMos 2-axis Brushless Gimbal Controller

Product Descriptions:

This AlexMos authorized 2-Axis (main board + extension) controller. BASECAM electronics made.

It can use offical firmware of AlexMos. (The last version, please check http://www.simplebgc.com/ )

What’s NEW:

-IMPORTANT NOTE: you will loose all previous setting after upgrading to this version.


-Bug fixed: multiple YAW turns caused variable overflow and instability

-Bug fixed: if the system starts in the YAW lock mode, the camera can accidentally rotate to fixed angle.

-Bug fixed: in Follow PITCH mode, if camera is pitched by 30-50 degree, ROLL looses horizon level if panning by YAW.

-(2.3b5) Bug fixed: some parameters are always keept their default values regardless of GUI setting

-Follow PITCH mode extended by the new setting to configure the ROLL axis lock-to-follow transition.

-If Flight Controller (EXT_FC) is connected and calibrated, the system becomes more stable in the bigger range of inclination angles (even pitched +-80 degrees)

-Battery monitoring and buzzer:

1)Voltage drop compensation (PID becomes stable during whole battery lifecycle)

2)Low-Voltage alarms and motor cut-off

(This feature will be supported on some newest boards or old ones with the hardware mod. See user manual for details.)

-RC mapping improved: Any of PWM, Sum-PPM, or Analog modes may be set for any of RC inputs separately.

1)it lets to use YAW-encoder or joystick together with RC control or External Flight Controller

2)it may be required to re-configure RC inputs after firmware upgrade

-RC mix option: you can mix 2 inputs together before applying to any of ROLL, PITCH or YAW axis. It lets to control camera from 2 sources (joystick and remote for example)

-Serial API extended by the ‘C’ command (camera control). Example written in C++ for Arduino is provided in doc.

-New option to limit angular accelerations in case of hard RC or Serial control (useful to prevents jerks or skipped steps, smoother camera control, less impact on multirotor’s frame)

-PID settings: I-term internally multiplied by P-term to increase I response when P is high.

-“Compensate acceleration” algorythm removed to free up program space for more important features

-(GUI) New Full-screen mode available to better fit GUI in small displays

-(GUI) Bug fixed: firmware upgrade fails if working path contains spaces.

-(GUI) New button to switch motors ON/OFF

-(GUI) Italian and Czech translation (thanks to Iacopo Boccalari, Lubos Chatval)

-(GUI) 2 new high-contrast themes for outdoor usage

-(GUI) New red marker: shows RC controlled angle that gimbal should maintain

Tuning Guide:

-THIS IS NOT A PLUG AND PLAY DEVICE! Brushless gimbals and controllers are very new to the market and is an emerging technology. You will need some patience and effort to get it to work as seen in many youtube.

-This product has no protection circuit, it will be damaged due to power supply polarity reversed; wrong motor will burn down driver IC; Also, incorrect connection of attitude sensor will burn down the voltage regulation unit. The cases above are not covered under the warranty.



We carry this product is for customer’s convenience to purchase. We will always assume you are capable of handling this kind of open source project by yourself as we can’t provide comprehensive technical support as you may expect. And we don’t recommend this product if you don’t have confidence to use it. Please refer to the official website and related forums for the open source project if you have any questions.

 8 BIT AlexMos 3-axis Brushless Gimbal Controller

Product Descriptions:

This AlexMos authorized 3-Axis (main board + extension) controller. BASECAM electronics made.

It can use offical firmware of AlexMos. (The last version, please check http://www.simplebgc.com/ )

What’s NEW:

-IMPORTANT NOTE: you will loose all previous setting after upgrading to this version.


-Bug fixed: multiple YAW turns caused variable overflow and instability

-Bug fixed: if the system starts in the YAW lock mode, the camera can accidentally rotate to fixed angle.

-Bug fixed: in Follow PITCH mode, if camera is pitched by 30-50 degree, ROLL looses horizon level if panning by YAW.

-(2.3b5) Bug fixed: some parameters are always keept their default values regardless of GUI setting

-Follow PITCH mode extended by the new setting to configure the ROLL axis lock-to-follow transition.

-If Flight Controller (EXT_FC) is connected and calibrated, the system becomes more stable in the bigger range of inclination angles (even pitched +-80 degrees)

-Battery monitoring and buzzer:

1)Voltage drop compensation (PID becomes stable during whole battery lifecycle)

2)Low-Voltage alarms and motor cut-off

(This feature will be supported on some newest boards or old ones with the hardware mod. See user manual for details.)

-RC mapping improved: Any of PWM, Sum-PPM, or Analog modes may be set for any of RC inputs separately.

1)it lets to use YAW-encoder or joystick together with RC control or External Flight Controller

2)it may be required to re-configure RC inputs after firmware upgrade

-RC mix option: you can mix 2 inputs together before applying to any of ROLL, PITCH or YAW axis. It lets to control camera from 2 sources (joystick and remote for example)

-Serial API extended by the ‘C’ command (camera control). Example written in C++ for Arduino is provided in doc.

-New option to limit angular accelerations in case of hard RC or Serial control (useful to prevents jerks or skipped steps, smoother camera control, less impact on multirotor’s frame)

-PID settings: I-term internally multiplied by P-term to increase I response when P is high.

-“Compensate acceleration” algorythm removed to free up program space for more important features

-(GUI) New Full-screen mode available to better fit GUI in small displays

-(GUI) Bug fixed: firmware upgrade fails if working path contains spaces.

-(GUI) New button to switch motors ON/OFF

-(GUI) Italian and Czech translation (thanks to Iacopo Boccalari, Lubos Chatval)

-(GUI) 2 new high-contrast themes for outdoor usage

-(GUI) New red marker: shows RC controlled angle that gimbal should maintain

Tuning Guide:

-THIS IS NOT A PLUG AND PLAY DEVICE! Brushless gimbals and controllers are very new to the market and is an emerging technology. You will need some patience and effort to get it to work as seen in many youtube.

-This product has no protection circuit, it will be damaged due to power supply polarity reversed; wrong motor will burn down driver IC; Also, incorrect connection of attitude sensor will burn down the voltage regulation unit. The cases above are not covered under the warranty.



We carry this product is for customer’s convenience to purchase. We will always assume you are capable of handling this kind of open source project by yourself as we can’t provide comprehensive technical support as you may expect. And we don’t recommend this product if you don’t have confidence to use it. Please refer to the official website and related forums for the open source project if you have any questions.

Package included:


– 1 x 8Bit main board

– 1 x IMU

– Jumper cables